19 stories of social inclusion

Lessons from the lives of everyday Australians on belonging, disability and community contribution.

19 Stories of Social Inclusion tells the story of 19 individual Australians living full lives in their communities. The project explores what it means for people with disabilities to be “socially included”, and what it means to exercise the right to live independently and be included in the community, in line with Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The materials will be publicly available to serve as a resource for government and civil society, including policymakers, people with disabilities, families, professionals, academics and students.

This project was funded by the Disability Research Initiative in 2016.


Piers Gooding [Melbourne Social Equity Institute, UoM]

Keith McVilly [School of Social and Political Sciences, UoM]

Helen Dickinson [Melbourne School of Government, UoM]

Deb Rouget [Belonging Matters]